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Here, what is the best way to eat an egg?

Fried, boiled, scrambled or poached?

Simple Source: clean_eating_alice


They’re a versatile ingredient.

You can make all sorts of culinary delights with the humble egg — French toast, omelettes, huevos rancheros — and you can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

But which type of egg is the best egg? Scrambled, boiled, fried or poached?

Let’s investigate.

Scrambled eggs

scrambled Source: Flickr

When they’re done right, they’re absolutely delicious — a comforting breakfast like no other.

Buttime it wrong and you could end up with a gloopy mess on your plate.

Or, worse, this:

And there’s nothing more disappointing than bad scrambled eggs.

Fried eggs

fired Source: Flickr

An integral part of any Irish breakfast and a welcome addition to almost any meal.

Just look at (a) all the stuff you can pair it with and (b) how photogenic it is!

#thursday #midday #healthy #fitness #lifestyle #lunch #roastedturkeybreast #friedegg #beansalad #selfmade #loveit #cooking #today #backday #neverskipbackday #sportylicious #haveanicestartintheday Source: christinvandenoosten

Как и зачем использовать два вида соли? Все очень просто: каждая соль подчеркнет какой-то свой компонент блюда. Например, в этом сандвиче использованы адыгейская и копченая на яблоне. Порядок слоев: пита, плавленный сыр, адыгейская соль, яйцо, авокадо, копченая соль, соус шрирача и закрывающий кусок питы. Острота от соуса будет сочетаться с маслянистым вкусом авокадо, копченая соль - с авокадо и яйцом, а в конце появится нотка специй от помидор с адыгейской солью. Приятного аппетита! #850оттенковяичницы #avocado #friedegg #srirachasauce #applewoodsmokedsalt #adygeyskayasalt #tomato #breakfast Source: saltmakers_ru


Boiled egg

egg Source: Flickr

The boiled egg is an old reliable.

You can eat it for breakast, throw it into a salad or put it in a sandwich.

But they also smell rank and have ruined many a bus journey.

So there’s that.

Poached eggs

poached Source: Flickr

Poached eggs are undoubtedly delicious and a solid brunch choice.

But they’re also a little bit notions-y and difficult to perfect at home, meaning you probably have to pay €11 to enjoy a decent one.

So, tell us, Ireland: which egg do you prefer?

Poll Results:

<3 Poached eggs <3 (1178)
Please, nothing beats a fried egg. (604)
Scrambled eggs all the way. (595)
Boiled eggs 4eva. (276)

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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